Sunday, 7 September 2014

Humanity, Reboot.

Robin Williams committing suicide, the be-heading of American journalists in Iraq, another racist NBA team-owner forced to sell his team, rampant deadly diseases.  These things don't have much in common, other than the fact that these matters should be a wake-up call to the world. It's rather unfortunate that the world should even need a 'wake-up' call at all.  I mean, I'm up, and I've been up for several years now.  There's something about pain and suffering and living close to the border that separates life and death that 'wakes' a person up to the true state of affairs in the world around him/her.

I think it really says something when one of our brightest lights, one of our most beloved artists/entertainers/performers.....a man with a heart of gold, with a spirit and a soul too big to fit within the limited confines of the human body....that this man was so upset with the world around him that he decided to bow out.  There is no clearer example that illustrates to all of us that our world is so broken, so fucked up, so absurd.  Something Needs to Change.

ISIS-Ninewa-photos-Jun24-16-thumb-560x315-3319.jpg (560×315)And now we've got 'ISIS' to deal with.  Christ, talk about a bunch of assholes.  These guys are so medeival, barbaric and horrific, they make Al-Qaeda look like Sesame Street.  They move with baffling speed.  They are unbelievably well-funded.  We really need to take a look at who's funding these guys.  I mean REALLY.  Because shining a light on the funding sources will certainly ruffle some feathers in the Western world.

For example, European countries are currently buying oil from ISIS-controlled oil fields in Iraq.  And, even more disturbing, it has been pretty clear all along that groups within Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait are funding ISIS (see this article from the Daily Beast).

behead+Capture.JPG (527×293)Think about this for a moment.  The United States routinely does 'business' with countries who are funding ISIS.  Call me a pessimist, but this seems a bit inappropriate (sarcasm emphasized heavily herein).  Why?  You guessed  MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.  Money truly is involved in every evil act.  Money.  It makes the world go 'round.  And it also causes western countries to buy oil from people who like to cut the heads off of innocent human beings.

I'm tired of listing all of the horrible things going on in the world around me.  For some reason, the suffering of humanity affects me, profoundly.  I hurt for the slaughter of innocents, for the hungry children, for the sick, for the impoverished.  It pains me.  As it should.  And it pains a few others.  But it's time for the rest of the civilized world to WAKE UP and lend a hand to the broken arc of humanity.  We are a broken species.  We need healing.  And healing starts within.  

-peace/warm regards: