Friday 25 July 2014

What Would America Do (WWAD)...

Albert Einstein famously said that if you cannot explain 'it' simply, then you don't know 'it' well enough. He applied this philosophy to anything from theoretical physics to the meaning of life and to his many anecdotal truths about society and humanity in general.  Einstein was also famous for his 'thought experiments' in which he used simple, basic, ordinary language to explain the most complex of complicated problems.

I try to adhere to this same philosophy.  I will now apply it in order to explain the following:  What Would America Do if a hostile neighbouring country started indiscriminately raining down rockets into its city centers??

Obviously, I am trying to draw an analogy from the Israeli-Palestinian situation.  So, what would the U.S. do, if, say, Mexico started sending rockets over the border into Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California (I have to scale up the relative size of such an 'operation' due to the immensity of the United States)?  I think it's quite clear, based on history, that the U.S. would totally annihilate the enemy.  Unfortunately, civilians would die, and the U.S. typically discards this fact and labels it as 'Collateral Damage' -- a necessary evil in the ugly battleground that is otherwise known as 'War.'

I will give you two historical examples:  (1)  The bombastic 'Shock & Awe' campaign of the second U.S. Gulf War against Iraq; and (2) The nuclear bombs the U.S. dropped on Japan at the tail end of World War II.

Shock & Awe
The Second Gulf War:  This first example is quite unique in that the U.S. spent EIGHT YEARS (from 2003-2011) annihilating the 'enemy' before the enemy even used the weapons that, as it turns out, it did not even possess at the time.  In 2003, when then-acting U.S. General Colin Powell, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, famously presented his erroneous 'weapons of mass destruction' evidence to the United Nations, as we all know, the notorious U.S. military campaign called 'Shock & Awe' proceeded to destroy the 'enemy' with due haste (even though it took eight years, and even though the situation in Iraq is much worse now than it was then -- but that's 'in the past'......).  

More Shock & Awe
Classified US military documents released by WikiLeaks in October 2010, record Iraqi and Coalition military deaths between January 2004 and December 2009. The documents record 109,032 deaths broken down into "Civilian" (66,081 deaths), "Host Nation" (15,196 deaths),"Enemy" (23,984 deaths), and "Friendly" (3,771 deaths).
I don't think I need to explain this one any further, do I?

U.S. nuclear bomb decimating Hiroshima

World War II (Japan):  Back in the 1940's, 'rocket-fire' did not exist.  Instead, the Japanese army deployed 'Kamikazee' planes to hit Pearl Harbor.  Please note:  even though this was a 'military target' (as opposed to 'civilian'), the United States responded by declaring war on the Empire of Japan the very next day, and then it proceeded to send 110,000 Japanese-Americans to internment camps on the Pacific Coast for the duration of the war.(see

And, in case anyone forgot, when it was all over a few years later, the number of Japanese military casualties was estimated to be around 2,100,000 (yes, that's 2.1Million).  The number of Japanese  CIVILIAN casualties ranges from 500,000 to 1,000,000, including 225,000 civilians killed when the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.  (see  

Again, I don't think I need to explain this one any further.  I believe in the concept called the 'Economy of Words' -- using the fewest words to make a powerful POINT.

Now, children, let us revisit the question:  What Would America Do if a hostile neighbouring country started indiscriminately raining down rockets into its city centers??

I think we all know what the response would be.

Peace/Warm Regards:
Jude Blues

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Arab-Israeli 'conflict' for Dummies...

Why those people who support Palestinians in Gaza are uninformed, misguided, and also support organized terrorism, revisionist history, death, darkness and ignorance:

Hamas (looks like a nice bunch of guys, eh?)
1.  The citizens of Gaza democratically elected Hamas -- an internationally recognized terrorist organization -- to govern them.  These civilians are thus not 'inncocent' of anything.   

2.  There never was a 'Palestinian' state -- ever.  And the concept of a 'right of return' is thus not based in any historical fact whatsoever.  For a more thorough explanation of this truth, I encourage you to read this:  The Middle East 'Problem'

3.  One of the publicly stated mottoes of Hamas, translated into English, is this:  "We love death as much as Jews love life."  The official Hamas charter can be found here (I encourage you to read it):  Hamas Covenant 1988, The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement.

4.  Not one of the twenty-two Arab countries in the world -- many with plentiful land and incredible oil wealth -- is willing to take in the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza.  Not one.

5.  The one Jewish state in the world -- Israel -- is the size of New Jersey.  Yet, it is still willing to give the Palestinians a significant portion of its land. The only requirement is that the Palestinians officially agree to stop sending rockets into Israel and to formally recognize Israel's right to simply exist.  The large majority of Palestinians routinely refuse to do this, made clearly evident by the fact that they democratically elected Hamas to govern them.  And, again, in case you forgot, the stated aim of Hamas is to destroy Israel along with all of it's millions of Jewish inhabitants.

Eliahu Elath (first Israeli ambassador to
the U.N.) presenting ark to U.S. president
Harry S. Truman.
6.  In 1948, the UN officially designated Israel as a Jewish state.  For a brief historical primer, please visit this website:  U.S. Department of State, Office of the Historian.  The first line on that particular webpage reads as follows:  "On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day."  

7.  If Hamas laid down its weapons, there would be no more war.  If Israel laid down its arms, the following would immediately occur:  Hamas, Hezbollah and the other innumerable terrorist organizations in and around Gaza and the surrounding Arab countries would immediately seek to destroy Israel.

8.  The textbooks used to educated Palestinian school-children demonize the Jewish people and teach them to seek to murder all of the world's Jewish population.

9.  The Jewish people in Israel and around the world are 'guilty' of this -- and this has remained unchanged for over 5,000 years:  they are 'guilty' of wanting to be left alone to live in peace.  They are guilty of wanting to educate their children.  They are guilty of disproportionately being the wealthiest, smartest, most productive contributors to civilization in the history of humanity.  They are guilty of simply surviving.  They are guilty of cherishing life.  And for these things, the world's Arab population wishes to annihilate them due to jealousy, ignorance, poverty, lack of education, and a uniquely gifted pre-disposition to being the most impossibly ungovernable people in the world.  

10.  All of this information is undisputed by any rational, informed human being on the planet, and has been for years.  It's not complicated.  Some people like to think it's complicated in order to justify their support of the dead, 'innocent' Palestinian 'civilians.'  But, remember, the dead 'innocents' are not innocent at all -- they elected Hamas to govern them.  And, in return, Hamas uses them as human shields to protect their rockets -- in schools, hospitals and mosques.  This is undisputed by all sides and is publicly known information.  It's been this way forever.

As Benjamin Netanyahu simply stated, once again, as he always does -- if Hamas stopped fighting, there would be no more war.  If Israel stopped 'fighting,' there would be no more Israel.

Again, this is not complicated.  Christ.  A child could understand this.  Seriously.  

-peace/warm regards:

Saturday 12 July 2014

Top 10 Things that Irritate Me Today...

1.  Stop talking to your fucking dog.

2.  Child's first word is 'Goo-gle'

3.  Cameron Diaz is not in my city at the moment.

4.  Humidity.

5.  Money.

6.  The hypocrisy and obscenity of the 'Sultan' of Brunei.

7.  The absurdity of having children.

8.  The United States of Bullshit.......this guy wasn't deported and I was. LOL.

9.  Religion.                              
Biggest ASSHOLE in the world...

10.  Me.

-peace/warm regards: