Friday, 13 June 2014

And the Winner is....

The older I get, the more life experience I accumulate, the more wisdom I acquire in my middle(ish)-age, I can only come up with one certain truth, which is this:  There is simply not one shred of evidence that life should be taken all.  Yes, I'm serious...

Here are ten random headlines plucked from the most popular online news sources about an hour ago:

1. " Texas Governor Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism at a San Francisco business conference." (not a terribly brilliant move by Perry once again)  
The esteemed Governor Perry of Texas
2. " Iraq's roads are littered with decapitated police and medeival sharia law is imposed." (yes, they're really adapting to the modern age quite smoothly over there)
Iraqi Al-Qaeda, very nice-looking young men...
3. "Naked 73-year-old man in wheelchair attacks 92-year-old." (LOL)
crazy old wheelchair dude
4. "Mom of seven dies in jail over unpaid school fines." (good old-fashioned American 'justice')

5. "Harrison Ford injured on Star Wars set." (couldn't possibly care less)

6. "Condom use drops among teens." (that's because condoms don't feel as good, duh...)

7. "911 dispatcher tells rape victim to 'quit crying.' (very compassionate, indeed)

8. "Donald Sterling is hiring four different PI firms to dig up dirt on other NBA owners." (no comment)

9. "Oh My God, Here's Chris Christie Dancing." (again, no comment)

10. "Man impersonates Twilight actor to lure girls." (not a bad idea)

Oh yeah, one more important headline:  "Japanese red eels put on endangered species list." (I really don't care about fucking eels -- I care about humanity)

So as the large majority of humanity continues to devolve into a cesspool of ignorance, impoverishment, evil, absurdity and reality -- and while the privileged 'few' continue to look the other way and offer all sorts of uncredible platitudes and opinions on those things which they have not ever personally experienced -- I can't help, but sit back and laugh.  Because this world is a joke.  I welcome anyone to convince me otherwise. 

As I may have mentioned before, I speak from a relatively interesting perspective as a former/future one-percenter and current ninety-nine percenter.  I've seen how money has ruined this planet and completely warped and deluded those who never had to go without -- and I mean truly go without, as in without food, shelter, basic necessities. Funny how those people do most of the talking though, isn't it?? Wonder why that is.....oh yes, access, I mean money.  Again.  It all comes down to money.

In our society, money equates to intelligence and character, morality and productivity.  It's a fucking joke.  I have more character as a poor person than I ever had as a clueless rich kid with a headful of academic 'knowledge' based on nothing more than rote memorization and a few observations.  I have more morality and 'intelligence' too -- much more.  And as far as productivity goes, all I used to care about was money, so I went to the office and made money. It was easy.  If that's considered productive to anyone reading this, then you're a moron and you need to get off of my blog.  Like, right now.  I mean it -- I'm watching you......(Google Analytics is a wonderful thing).

I apologize that my blog posting has been rather sparse this year -- I'm busy working on other creative endeavours that, I hope, will make me a ton of which point I will sit back and laugh even more than I ever have before.

-peace/warm regards,

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A thought on the Bowe Bergdahl phenomenon...

There seems to be an awful lot of judgement and criticism circulating around the return of US prisoner-of-war Bowe Bergdahl.  I find this to be unbelievably inappropriate.  Here's why:

This poor guy Bowe just spent the last five fucking years in Taliban captivity.  I've been held in captivity before, in Texas, which is inhumane enough -- but it can't possibly compare to five years as a prisoner of war of one of the most evil extremist groups in the history of humankind.  NOBODY is entitled to judge the circumstances -- ANY of the circumstances surrounding the release of this poor kid.  And he IS just a kid -- well, actually, the past five years surely toughened him up enough on the inside to be a man.  But he was only a kid when this shit went down five years ago.  It doesn't matter what his personal views were, because he was a fucking child.  Do those talking heads in the United States not understand this very material fact?  You send children over to foreign countries to engage in organized murder (aka WAR) and you expect everything to go smoothly.  You expect no emotional, psychological, spiritual variables to enter into the equation.

I don't care what this kid Bowe believed or didn't believe, and I don't care how many other kids may have been killed while looking for Bowe.  They were SENT by their superiors to do so.  So any mothers and fathers who are pissed off because their child died looking for Bowe -- you need to direct your contempt toward the United States Department of Defense.  The commanders and officers are the ones responsible for sending your children into the lion's den.  Plus, it comes with the territory.  War is a ridiculous concept to begin with, especially when it ignites absurd discourses across America about how a certain kid was murdered and why and where and what went wrong.

My point is this:  There is NO HONOR in war.  It's violent.  People enter into war with the intent of murdering other people.  So people die.  Everybody knows this.  So I don't want to hear any parents crying about their kids being killed in war.  It is not honorable.  They're not 'defending' anything.  Patriotism is bullshit -- it's just nationalism covered in sugar.  It is sad.  Very sad, that children are sent to do the business of men.  I think you know what I mean.  If you have a functioning brain, this should make sense.

So leave this kid Bowe alone.  He's been through hell, and unless you've walked in his shoes, you have no credibility even discussing the matter.  I can't watch CNN anymore.  It makes me want to vomit.
